Born for adversity
Proverbs 17:17 says "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity". What does this mean? Well, to put it...

Let our yes be yes, and our no be no
Each day, I'll bet the majority of us use the words yes and no several times. Some may be associated with internal thinking, and some...
Begin with the end in mind
Beginning with the end in mind is a great way to achieving success in almost any way possible. Whether it is planning your career,...

Pride & Unity
Most of us have likely heard the phrase "Pride comes before the fall". It is a proverb that has been with us for thousands of years, and...
Historically, caravans have traveled across Asia and parts of Africa, centuries before Christ. They consisted primarily of merchants...
The Uniform of the Christian Part II
In the last post, we spoke about the Armor of God and the importance it has on our ability to stand fast against the devil. Equally, we...
The Uniform of a Christian (Part I)
The uniform of the Christian Soldier is often times something we do not give a great deal of thought to, but in the words of a Christian...
Taking the Time or Giving the Time?
So we finally published the Summer Newsletter today, August 1st. Typically, we have this out in early to mid July however, sometimes...

Voyagers Canoe Trips - Spring 2017
Well we completed another Voyagers canoe trip this past Sunday, May 7th. The three day trips usually take a bit out of each of us but...