Messengers Rise To The Call
The next time folks ask what they ought to do upon hearing a warning, remind them of Mr. Paul Revere.
In 1774, and the Spring of 1775 Paul Revere was employed by the Boston Committee of Correspondence as well as the Massachusetts Committee of Safety as an express rider, carrying news, messages, and copies of resolutions as far away as New York and Philadelphia.
On the evening of April 18, 1775, Paul Revere was sent for by Dr. Joseph Warren and instructed to ride to Lexington, Massachusetts, the message, to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were marching to arrest them. After being rowed across the Charles River to Charlestown by two associates, Paul Revere immediately borrowed a horse from his friend Deacon John Larkin. While still in Charlestown Paul verified that the local "Sons of Liberty" committee had seen his pre-arranged signals of warning. (Two lanterns had been hung briefly in the bell-tower of Christ Church in Boston, indicating that troops would row "by sea" across the Charles River to Cambridge, rather than marching "by land" out of Boston Neck. Paul had arranged for these signals the days earlier, due to fearing a potential blockade of anyone leaving Boston).
On the way to Lexington, Paul raised the alarm throughout the country-side, stopping at select locations along the route before finally arriving at Lexington after midnight. Paul dismounted, and walked up to the house where John Adams and John Hancock were staying. A sentry on duty approached Paul chastising him about the manner in which he rode into the square, and requested that he might remain quiet due to the hour. Paul could not believe his ears, "Remain quiet?" he cried, "You'll have noise enough before long as the British regulars are marching out!" After delivering his message, another rider named William Dawes came speeding up the road. This was the second rider, who was sent on the same mission by a different route as added insurance to the plan.
The two riders, their mission accomplished, then road onward to Concord, Massachusetts, where valuable military supplies were stored by the continentals, It was here a third rider, Dr. Samuel Prescott joined in to support the alarm. Near daylight, the three courageous riders were arrested by a British patrol. In the scramble to subdue the men and their mounts, the British patrol lost Dr. Prescott, and he escaped down the road. Not long afterward, it was William Dawes' turn to break free - and break free he did! Paul Revere was held fast however. Later, the British did release Paul, but unfortunately without Deacon Larkin's horse. He returned to Lexington in time to witness a part of the battle there at the Lexington Green.
This is a pretty good example of courage, but what about the weather on that day - April 18th, 1775? Alex Cain wrote to tell us about that detail.
“In April of 1775, the New England weather was typically volatile. The 18th of April was wet throughout the entire day, followed by a rapid clearing at night. Winds were variable, veering from the northeast to the south. The Reverend Jonas Clarke of Lexington noted the day's weather consisted of "a fine rain that a.m., fair towards night but near 34 degrees in the evening and night of April 18.
The Bible gives us several other stories about warnings. Often those warnings come with the uncomfortable consequences the rider must endure. Ezekiel 3:17-19 - Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.
Just as Paul Revere, and those other riders did so many years ago, riding hard in the cold and rain, to bring word of impending doom, we too are called to ride the roads - sounding the alarm of impending judgement. This message (The Gospel) is absolutely critical in the ears of our fellow man. Without this information, they're souls may never see that day of freedon our Lord promised us in the scriptures. John 14:3 - And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, you may be also.
I have personally been with folks who have gone out into the storm at the most inconvenient of times to warn others of an impending troubles in life. Neither Paul Revere or those who played a role in the 'midnight ride' actually saved the day - nor did they win the war with Great Britain. Instead, they followed the call, to pass the good word, just as Christ calls us to be messengers of Him. We are called to plant seeds, trusting that the Holy Spirit will take root in the lives of those who hear the truth.